the News:
Societatea Astronomica Romana de Meteori (SARM), organizeaza Conferinta Nationala de Astronomie 2005, sub deviza ”Investeste in educatie”.
Actiunea va avea loc in Tabara Scolara Vanatorul, localitatea Moroieni, judetul Dambovita, in perioada 1-4 decembrie 2005. In program sunt incluse o sesiune de analiza/evaluare a proiectelor derulate de SARM in anul 2005, o expozitie de astrofotografie, o sesiune de instruire si informare privind reglementarile de tineret, ateliere de lucru pentru fundamentarea proiectelor astronomice aferente Ofertei de educatie non-formala prin astronomie 2006, referate, proiectii de imagini si filme.
Evenimentul este organizat cu finantarea Directiei Judetene pentru Tineret Dambovita, in parteneriat cu Fundatia pentru Tineret Dambovita si Targoviste.Ro –
Societatea Astronomica Romana de Meteori (SARM), organizatie neguvernamentala de tineret, organizeaza Perseide 2005, editia a XIII-a, in doua etape, ce vor cuprinde o scoala astronomica de vara si o reteaua de expeditii pentru observarea maximului curentului PerseideDetalii...
Societatea Astronomica Roamana de Meteori (SARM) va organiza PERSEIDE 2004 - Tabara Nationala de Astronomie pentru Tineret, editia a XII-a, in perioada 19 iulie - 15 august 2004. Editia de anul acesta va avea participare internationala (Olanda, Belgia, Germania). Detalii...
Reunind oameni din intreaga tara pasionati de fotografie si in special de fotografia fenomenelor astronomice si atmosferice, manifestarea ASTROFOTO se afla in acest an la a III-a editie. Departe de a fi o manifestare exclusiv pentru cei pasionati de astronomie, ASTROFOTO doreste mai degraba sa trezeasca interesul tuturor celor care au simtit emotia contemplarii extraordinarelor fenomene pe care natura, si indeosebi cerul ni le ofera. Detalii...
in educatie!
organizeaza in Dambovita, la Tabara Vanatorul, in
perioada 28.11-01.12.2003 proiectul "Investeste
in educatie! - Conferinta Natioanla de Tineret 2003".
In cadrul conferintei figureaza:
Proiectul este finantat de Ministerul Educatiei,
Cercetarii si Tineretului si are parteneri Primaria
Targoviste, Agentia Teritoriala a Taberelor si Turismului
Scolar Dambovita, Colegiul Economic "Ion Ghica"
Vom reveni cu un raport complet peste 2 saptamani.
SARM @ IMC2003
O echipa a
SARM a reprezentat Romania, pentru a 12 oara consecutiv,
la International Meteor Conference (IMC) 2003, organizata
de International Meteor Organization (IMO) la Bollmannsruh,
in Germania, in perioada 18-21 septembrie 2003.
Echipa formata din Valentin Grigore, Andrei Dorian
Gheorghe, Gelu-Claudiu Radu, Adriana Nicolae si
Ionut Ilesoi a
sustinut comunicari legate de rezultatele observationale
la curentii de vara 2003, manifestarea Perseide
2003, teatru astropoetic, postere si a organizat
expozitii foto, filme si mult-asteptatul "Astropoetry
Site-ul oficial al IMC2003 poate fi accesat aici.
Puteti citi despre participara romaneasca la IMC
2002 in numarul din Februarie 2003 al Bolidului:
Mars closest
approach ||
Perseids 2003! | |
Mercury Transit & Astronomy Day 2003 |
| SARM News Group |
| SARM Targoviste
Library | | Beginner's
Guide to Astronomical Instruments | | Astronomy
Links |
| Our First Observing
Manual | |
Map of the Sky - order now! |
| Noi
si Cerul | Bolidul
SARM in 2002
| Perseids
2002 Event in Romania (IMC 2002 Proceedings)
| | Leonids
2002 | Perseids
2002 |
| Astropoetry
| Astrofoto
2002 |
SARM in 2001
| Amateur
Astronomy in Banat, Romania | | Occultation
Moon-Saturn 3/4 Nov 2001 |
Perseids 2001 | Orionids
2001 | Leonids
2001 | | SARM at IMC 2001 |
International Projects:
| SARM and
IMO organized IMC2000 in Pucioasa, Romania |
| EuRo Eclipse 99
Other Projects and Observations
| Perseids | | Leonids
1998 | |Other Observations
by SARM |
| About SARM | | Contact
Address | Credits
About SARM
in 1993 by Valentin Grigore, The Romanian Society for Meteors
and Astronomy (SARM) is a youth non-profit society with
about 200 members and 11 national branches. The main purpose
of SARM's activity is promoting the public outreach of astronomy
and meteor observations, at national and international level,
through cooperation in about 40 countries. Since 1996, SARM
publishes the astronomical journal We and the Sky
and organizes major national and international projects.
Perseids, a Frame of the Sky...
One of the main projects
developed by SARM since 1993 is the astronomical camp
"Perseids", organized yearly in August, where about 100
participants take part each year: pupils, students, amateur
astronomers, teachers and researchers. Perseids is more
than an astronomical camp, is a "Frame of the Sky", as
Valentin Grigore, the national president, pictures it.
The following activities are being set up each year with
Perseids: the observational camp, colloquium of astronomy,
public outreach meetings, the astronomical contest for
students, photographical exposition, an astro-poetry festival,
some trips and expeditions to many exciting places in
the Romanian country side.
Leonids 1998
On 16/17 November 1998 Valentin
Grigore observed a very spectacular show of leonids above
Dealu Monastery near Targoviste, Romania. A detailed report
is now available and some of his photos. Enjoy them!
Orionids 2001
Between 13-21 October 2001
Dan Mitrut observed four nights the Orionids. His detailed
report sent to IMO is available.
On 20/21 October Alex Conu observed also the Leonids and
sent his report
to IMO.
EuRo Eclipse 99
The Total Solar Eclipse on 11 August 1999 in Romania!
Between August 1-16, 1999,
together with Total Solar Eclipse 99 and the Romanian
tour operator Romantic Travel, SARM organized EuRo Eclipse
99. This was an international project that gathered together
about 250 amateur astronomers, professionals and tourists,
170 internationals and 80 Romanians. This was the biggest
project organized by SARM and was devoted to two great
shows of the sky visible in August 1999: Total Solar Eclipse
on 11 August 1999 (with the maximum visible in Romania),
and the maximum of the Perseids (very favourable in August
1999). With its seven tours, EuRo Eclipse 99 not only
assisted people to observe the eclipse from the best places,
but also introduced them to wonderful places and the friendly
Romanian people.
Observations by SARM
Vasile Micu was the vicepresident
of SARM and did most of his observations from Bunila in
Retezat Mountains, far away from the artificial light
pollution. Here are some of his results:
Join SARM News Group!
Yahoo!Group has been created in Dec 2000 by Alexandru
Conu to make the comunication much easier between
SARM members and other Romanian amateurs. In just its
first year of existance, SARMNews exchanged a total of
921 messages between its 85 members!
As with Nov 2001, because of some technical problems,
the group has been renamed simply SARM
(to be used in the future).
By joining SARM email group you'll receive alerts on important
astronomical events, share opinions and observations,
and maybe the most important ask questions about observation
techniques. Or simply just share with others the passion
to look to the stars! Click here
if you want to join the group or send an email
to the moderator to join us.